Long rides are now a lot more challenging!

Here comes the sun…and with it the heat..this was a theme in our last post. Heat presented itself today with an rude introduction to riding in remote stretches of the NM desert, with temperatures already reaching over 95F!

Four of us started off the day with the intent of making or way to Massacre Peak, after traversing Massacre Gap. Long story short, the one way distance of at least 60 miles from Shane’s house (estimated) was just too much for a round trip on a hot day.

This led Ray and I, accompanied by Dave R. and Phil S. left to complete a 95 mile loop, with only one commercial water source (though there are a few stock tanks along the route, we did not have a water purifier with us..that may have to change in the future) only 25 miles into the route.

The route involved a bit of wandering (and wondering) as we attempted to make lemonade out of lemons. As you can see from the photos, riding 7+ hours in 95 degree weather has plenty of dangers and challenges. More attempts to come!!


Good Company


More mid-week MTB.....