Backpacking in the Dona Ana mountains

With the COVID-19 virus resulting in the cancellation of all ZiaVelo Cycling group rides and events, opportunities for something different have presented themselves. Such was the case on the evening of March 21st. With Shane, is wife Lola, and son Zane being at home and socially isolated, what better time to really isolate yourself and head out into the desert of southern New Mexico for a little gravel time. We set of from our home at about 4:30 PM, with no specific destination and only a rough idea of where we would eventually spend the evening. As it turns out, the Dona Ana mountains offered a number of great choices, though rock and cactus can be a bit intimidating to lay down in.

We arrived at our destination after only about 12 miles of travel, in what appears in photos as a pretty remote area. This is one of the benefits of living where we do. It doesn’t take long to find yourself in the the middle of nowhere.

We set up camp, and except for a 10:30 PM visit from a group of LOUD and BRIGHT off road vehicles who pulled right into our camp (admittedly, our camp was not much and they were probably attracted by our small campfire and the lack of obvious vehicles) to “check on us”, the evening was absolutely calm and peaceful.

Zane took the opportunity to sleep next to our fire, without a pad or bag, to “sleep under the stars”, while Lola and I spent the evening nestled in our tent on flat ground between two “small” boulders (see pic above).

After a quick cup of coffee or two in the morning and a short ride, we were back in Las Cruces, and back to the realities the world is dealing with. Stay safe….


Beyond the Rough and Readies


Exploring Cone Country