Getting into the thick of things.

So here we stand, 20 weeks out from the start of the Tour Divide. TWENTY WEEKS!!!???

20 weeks seems like a long time, but quite honestly, there is a ton of things to get done, figure out, and train for in 20 weeks, and that is scary!!! Not scary from an “it’s frightening” point of view, but from an “I better get my ass in gear” point of view.

While the delay from 2020 to 2021 was a bummer, it is shocking to see how much we’ve learned from the extra year. It’s also shocking to see how much more we need to learn, but now in only 20 weeks.

The last seven days have seen some beautiful weather in Las Cruces. Too bad we missed training in most of it and instead opted to train in cold and windy conditions.

We are still cross training, with Ray running and me mostly hiking up Tortugas Mountain every morning.

The big ride this weeks was both unique and new (to both Ray and I). We had the opportunity to explore training routes out to, and around the New Mexico Spaceport. It was one thing for sure…remote. That said, it was also a fun and enjoyable time, in spite of the 22 degree weather we started in. We concluded that it is definitely a great place to train, and explore, and I know we’ll be back in the area riding and exploring soon.

Thanks for coming along for the ride!!

Shane and Ray


Training in full effect..


Planning and more planning.