New Year, New Plan…

It’s a new year (Thank God!!), and we have a new plan!!

With the cancellation of the 2020 version of the Tour divide, Ray and I had plenty of opportunities to talk about a 2021 attempt, the possibilities that even in 2021 we may face many COVID challenges, equipment choices, lessons learned in 2020, and finally we talked at great length about how to train for the Tour Divide.

Now it might seem that many of these topics were discussed previously, and that is true, but it also holds true that we re-discussed all of these things, and continue to do so.

One of the other things we did is a lot of other types of physical training to prepare ourselves, at least to this point (January 5th, 2021) for the TD attempt.

Ray has continued to run (there is nothing chasing me, so I have decided not to run!!) ridiculous miles as well as doing other types of physical activities. I started hiking our local Tortugas (A) Mountain every weekday, in an attempt to strengthen my legs as well as my ankles.

The other thing we have done is a lot of new route discovery. Training on the SAME ROADS day in and day out gets boring and makes training much more arduous. One thing I did was a lot more mountain biking, particularly with Lola and other friends.

The photos above will give you an idea of some of the things we have been doing. I hope you enjoy the pictures…many more to come.

Stay Safe!

Shane and Ray


Planning and more planning.


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